All publications are available as PDFs, by clicking on the article link, or by emailing a request
Lab member names are in bold font
Loewen, C.J.G., D.A. Jackson, & B. Gilbert. 2023. Biodiversity patterns diverge along geographic temperature gradients. Global Change Biology 29: 603-617
Walker, E.J. & B. Gilbert. 2022. Paths to extinction: the interplay of species traits and the spatial scales of metapopulation declines. Ecology 104: e3840
Luo, R. & B. Gilbert. 2022. Timing of short-term drought structures plant-herbivore dynamics. Oikos 2022: e08860
Aoyama, L., L. Shoemaker, B. Gilbert, S. Collinge, A. Faist, N. Shackelford, V. Temperton, G. Barabas, L. Larios, E. Ladouceur, O. Godoy, C. Bowler & L. Hallett. 2022. Application of modern coexistence theory to rare plant restoration provides early indication of restoration trajectories. Ecological Applications 32: e2649
Van Allen, B., N. Jones, B. Gilbert, K. Carscadden & R. Germain. 2021. Maternal effects and the outcome of interspecific competition. Ecology and Evolution 11: 7544-7556
Forsyth, L.Z. & B. Gilbert. 2021. Parallel responses of species diversity and functional diversity to changes in patch size are driven by distinct processes. Journal of Ecology 109: 793-805
Guzman, L.M. et al. 2021. Climate influences the response of community functional traits to local conditions in bromeliad invertebrate communities. Ecography 44: 440-452
Hautier, Y. et al. 2021. General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales. Nature Communications 11: 1-9 Correction
Loewen, C.J.G., A.L. Strecker, B. Gilbert & D.A. Jackson. 2020. Climate warming moderates the impacts of introduced sportfish on multiple dimensions of prey biodiversity. Global Change Biology 26: 4937 – 4951
Hoi, A.G., B. Gilbert & N. Mideo. 2020. Deconstructing the Impact of Malaria Vector Diversity on Disease Risk. The American Naturalist 196: E61-70
Gilbert, B., A. S. Macdougall, T. Kadoya, M. Akasaka, J. R. Bennett, E. M. Lind, H. Flores-Moreno, J. Firn, Y. Hautier, E. T. Borer, E. W. Seabloom, P. B. Adler, E. E. Cleland, J. B. Grace, W. S. Harpole, E.H. Esch, J. L. Moore, J. Knops, R. McCulley, B. Mortensen, J. Bakker, and P. A. Fay, 2020. Climate and local environment structure asynchrony and the stability of primary production in grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1177-1188
Brown, K.S. & B. Gilbert. 2020. Population and community-level rarity have opposing effects on pollinator visitation and seed set. Journal of Ecology
Blackford, C., R.M. Germain & B. Gilbert. 2020. Species differences in phenology shape coexistence. The American Naturalist 195: E168-E180
Raymond, C.V., J.L. McCune, H. Rosner-Katz, I. Chadès, R. Schuster, B. Gilbert & J.R. Bennett. 2020. Combining Species Distribution Models and Value of Information Analysis for spatial allocation of conservation resources. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 819-830
Kamiya, T., M.A. Greischar, K. Wadhawan, B. Gilbert, K. Paaijmans & N. Mideo. 2020. Temperature-dependent variation in the extrinsic incubation period elevates the risk of vector-borne disease emergence. Epidemics 30 (2020) 100382 pdf
Start, D., A.E. Weis & B. Gilbert. 2020. Ecological and evolutionary stochasticity shape natural selection. The American Naturalist 195: 705-716
Marino, N.A.C., R. Céréghino, B. Gilbert, J.S. Petermann, D.S. Srivastava, P.M. de Omena, et. al. 2020. Species niches, not traits, determine abundance and occupancy patterns: A multi-site synthesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 295-308
Grainger, T.N., J.M. Levine & B. Gilbert. 2019. The Invasion Criterion: A Common Currency for Ecological Research. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34: 925-935 pdf
Start, D. & B. Gilbert. 2019. Trait variation across biological scales shapes community structure and ecosystem function. Ecology 100: e02769 pdf
Grainger, TN, Letten, AD, Gilbert, B and Fukami, T. 2019. Applying modern coexistence theory to priority effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116: 6205-6210 pdf
Borges, I. L., L. Z. Forsyth, D. Start & B. Gilbert. 2019. Abiotic heterogeneity underlies trait‐based competition and assembly. Journal of Ecology 107: 747-756 pdf
Germain, R. M., T. N. Grainger, N. T. Jones & B. Gilbert. 2019. Maternal Provisioning is Structured by Species’ Competitive Neighborhoods. Oikos 128: 45–53 pdf
Germain, R. M., M. M. Mayfield & B. Gilbert. 2018. The ‘filtering’ metaphor revisited: competition and environment jointly structure invasibility and coexistence. Biology Letters 14: 20180460 pdf
Searcy, C. A., B. Gilbert, M. Krkosek, L. Rowe, S. J. McCauley. 2018. Positive correlation between dispersal and body size in green frogs (Rana clamitans) naturally colonizing an experimental landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96: 1378 – 1384 pdf
Céréghino, R., V.D. Pillar, D.S. Srivastava, et. al. 2018. Constraints on the functional trait space of aquatic invertebrates in bromeliads. Functional Ecology, 32: 2435 – 2447 pdf
Bennett, J.R., S.L. Maxwell, A.E. Martin, I. Chadès, L. Fahrig & B. Gilbert. 2018. When to monitor and when to act: value of information theory for multiple management units and limited budgets. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55: 2102–2113 pdf
Grainger, T.N., A.I. Rego & B. Gilbert. 2018. Temperature-dependent species interactions shape priority effects and the persistence of unequal competitors. American Naturalist, 191: 197-209 pdf
Start, D. & B. Gilbert. 2018. Plant sex alters Allee effects in aggregating plant parasites. Oikos, 127: 792-802 pdf
Jones, N.T. & B. Gilbert. 2018. Geographic signatures in species turnover: decoupling colonization and extinction across a latitudinal gradient. Oikos, 127: 507-517 pdf
Wong, L., T.N. Grainger, D. Start & B. Gilbert. 2017. An invasive herbivore structures plant competitive dynamics. Biology Letters 13: 20170374 pdf
Gilbert, B. & J.M. Levine. 2017. Ecological drift and the distribution of species diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284: 20170507 pdf
Grainger, T.N. & B. Gilbert. 2017. Multi-scale responses to warming in an experimental insect metacommunity. Global Change Biology, 23: 5151–5163 pdf
Start, D., D. Kirk, D. Shea & B. Gilbert. 2017. Cannibalism by damselflies increases with rising temperature. Biology Letters, 13: 20170175 pdf correction
Germain, R.M., S.Y. Strauss & B. Gilbert. 2017. Experimental dispersal reveals characteristic scales of biodiversity in a natural landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114: 4447-4452 pdf
Genua, L., D. Start & B. Gilbert. 2017. Fragment size affects plant herbivory via predator loss. Oikos, 126: 1357–1365 pdf
Start, D. & B. Gilbert. 2017. Predator personality structures prey communities and trophic cascades. Ecology Letters, 20: 366-374 pdf correction
Grainger, T.N., R.M. Germain, N.T. Jones, & B. Gilbert. 2017. Predators modify biogeographic constraints on species distributions in an insect metacommunity. Ecology, 98: 851-860 pdf
Loughnan, D. & B. Gilbert. 2017. Trait-mediated community assembly: distinguishing the signatures of biotic and abiotic filters. Oikos, 126: 1112-1122 pdf
Bennett, J.R. & B. Gilbert. 2017. Linking Landscapes and Metacommunities. In Learning Landscape Ecology, 2nd Ed., editors: S.E. Gergel and M.G. Turner. Springer. pp. 255-271
Carscadden, K.A., M.W. Cadotte & B. Gilbert. 2017. Trait dimensionality and population choice alter estimates of phenotypic dissimilarity. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 2273–2285. pdf
Hudson, L.N. et al. 2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution 7: 145-188. pdf
Weber, A., S. Leckie, J.P. Kimmins, B. Gilbert, J.A. Blanco, Y-H. Lo. 2017. Survival and growth as measures of shade tolerance of planted western redcedar, western hemlock and amabilis fir seedlings in hemlock-fir forests of northern Vancouver Island. Forest Ecology and Management 386: 13-21. pdf
Start, D. & B. Gilbert. 2016. Host-parasitoid evolution in a metacommunity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283: 20160477. pdf correction
Germain, R.M., J.T. Weir & B. Gilbert. 2016. Species coexistence: macroevolutionary relationships and the contingency of historical interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B pdf Supplementary.
.Grainger, T.N. & B. Gilbert. 2016. Dispersal and diversity in experimental metacommunities: linking theory and practice. Oikos 125:1213-1223. pdf
Jones, N.T. & B. Gilbert. 2016. Biotic forcing: the push-pull of plant ranges. Plant Ecology 217: 1331–1344. pdf
Nuvoloni, F.M., R.J.F. Feres & B. Gilbert. 2016. Species turnover through time: colonization and extinction dynamics across metacommunities. The American Naturalist 187: 786-796. pdf F1000 recommended
Jones, N.T. & B. Gilbert. 2016. Changing climate cues differentially alter zooplankton dormancy dynamics across latitudes. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 559-569. pdf
Bennett, J.R. & B. Gilbert. 2016. Contrasting beta diversity among regions: how do classical and multivariate approaches compare? Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 368-377. pdf Appendix.
Jones, N.T., R.M. Germain, T.N. Grainger, A. Hall, L. Baldwin & B. Gilbert. 2015. Dispersal mode mediates the effect of patch size and patch connectivity on metacommunity diversity. Journal of Ecology 103: 935-944. pdf
DeLong, J.P., B. Gilbert, J.B. Shurin, V.M. Savage, B.T. Barton, C. Clements, A.I. Dell, H.S. Greig, C.D.G. Harley, P. Kratina, K.S. McCann, T.D. Tunney, D.A. Vasseur & M.I. O’Connor. 2015. The body-size dependence of trophic cascades. The American Naturalist 185: 354-366. pdf
Beauséjour, R., I.T. Handa, M.J. Lechowicz, B. Gilbert & M. Vellend. 2015. Historical anthropogenic disturbances influence patterns of non-native earthworm and plant invasions in a temperate primary forest. Biological Invasions 17: 1267-1281. pdf
Gilbert, B., T.D. Tunney, K.S. McCann, J.P. DeLong, D.A. Vasseur, V. Savage, J.B. Shurin, A.I. Dell, B.T. Barton, C.D.G. Harley, H.M. Kharouba, P. Kratina, J.L. Blanchard, C. Clements, M. Winder, H.S. Greig & M.I. O’Connor. 2014. A bioenergetic framework for the temperature dependence of trophic interactions. Ecology Letters 17: 902-914. pdf
Supplementary information
Germain, R.M. & B. Gilbert. 2014. Hidden responses to environmental variation: maternal effects reveal species niche dimensions. Ecology Letters 17: 662-669. pdf
Weber, A., J.P. Kimmins, B. Gilbert, Y-H. Lo & J.A. Blanco. 2014. Multiple pathway succession in coastal Tsugaheterophylla, Thuja plicata and Abies amabilis forests on northeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44:1145-1155 pdf
Loughnan, D., J.D. Thomson, J.E. Ogilvie & B. Gilbert. 2014. Taraxacum officinale pollen depresses seed set of montane wildflowers through pollen allelopathy. Journal of Pollination Ecology 13: 146-150 pdf
Vasseur, D.A., J.P. DeLong, B. Gilbert, H.S. Greig, C.D.G. Harley, K.S. McCann, V. Savage, T.D. Tunney & M.I. O’Connor. 2014. Increased temperature variation poses a greater risk to species than climate warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20132612 pdf
Gilbert, B. & M.I. O’Connor. 2013. Climate change and species interactions: beyond local communities. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1297: 98-111 pdf
Zhang, H., B. Gilbert, W. Wang, J. Lui & S. Zhou. 2013. Grazer exclusion alters plant spatial organization at multiple scales, increasing diversity. Ecology and Evolution 3: 3604-3612 pdf
Gilbert, B. & J.M. Levine. 2013. Plant invasions and extinction debts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110: 1744-1749 pdf
F1000 recommended
Abrams, P.A., C.M. Tucker & B. Gilbert. 2013. Evolution of the storage effect. Evolution 67: 315-327 pdf
Zhang, H., B. Gilbert, X. Zhang & S. Zhou. 2013. Community assembly along a successional gradient in sub-alpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Oikos 122: 952-960 pdf
2010 – 2012
Gilbert, B. 2012. Joint consequences of dispersal and niche overlap on local diversity and resource use. Journal of Ecology 100: 287-296 pdf
O’Connor, M.I., B. Gilbert & C.J. Brown. 2011. Theoretical predictions for how temperature affects the dynamics of interacting herbivores and plants. The American Naturalist 178: 626-638 pdf
Gilbert, B. & J. R. Bennett. 2010. Partitioning variation in ecological communities: do the numbers add up? Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 1071-1082 pdf
Supplementary information
2008 – 2009
Gilbert, B., R. Turkington & D.S. Srivastava. 2009. Dominant species and diversity: linking relative abundance to controls of species establishment. The American Naturalist 174: 850-862 pdf
MacDougall, A.S, B. Gilbert & J. M. Levine. 2009. Plant invasions and the niche. Journal of Ecology 97: 609-615 pdf
F1000 recommended
Srivastava, D.S., M.K. Trzcinski, B.A. Richardson & B. Gilbert. 2008. Why are predators more sensitive to habitat size than their prey? Insights from bromeliad-insect food webs. The American Naturalist 172: 761-771 pdf
Gilbert, B., D.S. Srivastava & K.R. Kirby. 2008. Niche partitioning at multiple scales facilitates coexistence among mosquito larvae. Oikos 117: 944-950 pdf
Ngai, J.T., K.R. Kirby, B. Gilbert, B.M. Starzomski, A.J.D. Pelletier & J.C.R. Conner. 2008. The impact of land-use change on larval insect communities: testing the role of habitat elements in conservation. Ecoscience 15: 160-168 pdf
2005 – 2006
Gilbert, B., W.F. Laurance, E.G. Leigh & H.E.M. Nascimento. 2006. Can neutral theory predict changes in Amazonian forest fragments? The American Naturalist 168: 304-317 pdf
F1000 recommended
Gilbert, B., S.J. Wright, H.C. Muller-Landau, K. Kitajima & A. Hernandéz. 2006. Life history trade-offs in tropical trees and lianas. Ecology 87: 1281-1288 pdf
Gilbert, B. & M.J. Lechowicz. 2005. Invasibility and abiotic gradients: the positive correlation between native and exotic plant diversity. Ecology 86: 1848-1855 pdf
Karst, J., B. Gilbert & M.J. Lechowicz. 2005. Assembling fern communities: the roles of chance and environmental determinism at local and intermediate spatial scales. Ecology 86: 2473-2486 pdf
Weber, A., J. Karst, B. Gilbert & J.P. Kimmins. 2005. Thuja plicata exclusion in ectomycorrhiza-dominated forests: testing the role of inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Oecologia 143: 148-156 pdf
2003 – 2004
Gilbert, B. & M.J. Lechowicz. 2004. Neutrality, niches, and dispersal in a temperate forest understory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 101: 7651-7656 pdf
Weber, A., B. Gilbert, J.P. Kimmins & C.E. Prescott. 2003. Factors limiting the early survivorship of westernRedcedar (Thuja plicata) on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 854-861 pdf
Paper Retractions
The following papers were retracted after discovering problems with the statistical analyses performed (Start et al. 2019 American Naturalist and Start et al 2018 Evolution) or because of an issue with the data that could not be verified (Start et al. 2018 PNAS). Links provided are to the retractions. Note that the lead author (D. Start) did not agree to any of the retractions.
Start, D., A.E. Weis & B. Gilbert. 2019. Indirect Interactions Shape Selection in a Multispecies Food Web. The American Naturalist, 193: 321-330 pdf
Start, D., C. Bonner, A.E. Weis & B. Gilbert. 2018. Consumer-resource interactions along urbanization gradients drive natural selection. Evolution, 72: 1863–1873 pdf
Start, D., S. McCauley & B. Gilbert. 2018. Physiology underlies the assembly of ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115: 6016-6021 pdf